You know the festive season has officially kicked into gear when the iconic Christmas TV adverts begin to hit our screens. From Kellogg kids to magical snowman and iconic imagery synonymous with the most magical time of the year. Christmas ads always have a special place this time of year.
Here is a selection of some of our favourite ads here in Alternatives.
Sorcha Coleman our Head of Talent and Kristin Ryan our Talent Manager both picked the adorable Kelloggs Christmas Ad as there's, Sorcha said " this was me and my siblings when we were kids and I met the real Santa once and this is the closest version to the genuine article that I’ve ever come across" while Kristin says "the little girl is just so cute and it captures the excitement of little kids waiting up to see Santa"
Adrian Marples Client Partner at Alternative Elect prefers the recent Bord Gáis Energy Ad as he says its "A welcome break from the saccharine nonsense from the usual Christmas fare, Bah, Humbug!", Whereas Mark Fallon's favourite is the iconic Coca-Cola Ad, as for him it "always signals the start of Christmas!" We'll let you decide which is best.
Sanda Lawler Alternatives Founder Director has an important message for this time of year, "There are loads of great feel-good ads this Christmas, however on a different tack (and with some bias) I have to say I really love the new Trocaire advert “Until Love Conquers Fear” with its appeal to show our support and love to those facing fear- taking us through a number of situations where people face fear in their everyday lives. Fear of injury in war, the fear of human rights injustices, the fear of a woman with no voice in the community and the fear of a mother in the face of her child’s starvation. It shows us powerfully how our love, through our support, can help those who need it most. The message is simply that Trócaire (and by extension- us) won’t stop until love has conquered fear. A meaningful, powerful and relevant message for us at Christmas!"
Here are more of our favourites.
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, from everyone here at Alternatives.