Every year, since 1993, there could only be one winner.
But we’re now looking for Ireland’s top marketer over the last 25 years.
To help celebrate the silver jubilee of Marketer of the Year™ you are invited to name the person who you believe, through the use of strategy, innovation, and impactful communications, has achieved outstanding success.
The person’s accomplishments could well embrace several brands.
We’re looking for the person who has shown exceptional strategic abilities: a marketer whose vision, insight and drive for excellence has shaped an extraordinary career and who left a lasting legacy in Irish marketing. It could be hailed as a lifetime award.
Or, the defining industry tribute in saluting Ireland’s ultimate marketer.
How to nominate candidates
Nominations for the ultimate Irish marketer are now sought from the marketing community. In proposing someone for this special award, you are asked to give a brief rationale for choosing their nominee. We want to know why you think your chosen candidate is exceptional by providing a synopsis (about 100 words) on their marketing feats over the life of their career.
Even if your chosen candidate has enjoyed a high-profile career, we would still like to know the reasons why you singled out that person as Ireland’s ultimate marketer.
All the nominees will be carefully considered by an expert judging panel, comprising previous MotY™ winners and chairpersons, with Dr Damien McLoughlin of UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School as chair.
To nominate please fill out the form here - https://marketing.ie/about-us/marketeer-of-the-year-awards/
Closing date for readers’ nominations is Wednesday, September 26th 2018 at 5pm
Marketer of the Year™ is organised by Marketing.ie magazine in association with Alternatives, the marketing talent house. Marketer of the Year is registered in the Register of Trade Marks in the name of Marketing.ie under the Trade Marks Act 1996. Any use of Marketer of the Year™ in the Republic is strictly the preserve of Marketing.ie.
Marketing.ie, 1 Albert Park, Sandycove, Co Dublin, Tel: 01-280 7735